Being one of the organizer of 10th National Human Right Magna Meet, CS:MAP national advocacy partner SAP-Nepal organizes several events by mainstreaming human rights at forefront. Followed up with 6 subsequent events team was busy in celebrating historical movements at Kathmandu.
SAP Nepal hosted the 3 preparatory meeting for the event. On 7 December 2018, team joined in
the press meet organized at SAP Falcha. The event addressed the state and non-state actors to
develop action plans for the celebration. On 10 December 2018 the team engaged in national mass rally organized among 165 NGOs/ INGOs stating strategical movement of CSOs in federalization of Nepal. Similarly, SAP-Nepal had been partnering for preparing and finalizing content of CSOs action to raise human right issues with substantial evidences through media documentary with Saujanya Media Pvt. LTD which has been circulated among national and international dignitaries.
CSOs contribution in securing Human rights in Nepal was organized on 13 December 2018 in
Kathmandu which was attended by Member of National Human Right Commission Ms. Mohana
Ansari, Right Activist Mr. Kapil Shrestha and Ms. Lily Thapa. 70 participants (28 female) attended the event. Contributors of the event mentioned about the undeniable contribution made by CSOs for citizens cause and shared the challenges in present context. Finally, CSOs drew an attention of the NHRC to reinforce concerned officials to undertake cases regarding human right violation seriously.
In the summary event, 14 December 2018, SAP-Nepal was honored in the closing event as an
essential contributor for the cause by Magna Meet Committee among 500 participants in
Administrative College, Jawalakhel.