“Strengthening gender-responsive local governance in Nepal” project funded by UNDEF kick starts with 3 days Training of Trainers (TOT) for 30 Musahar women Mobile Trainers program from 23 to 25 September 2021, marking its formal beginning. The training capacitated 30 selected Musahar women as mobile trainers to further empower other Musahar women for enhancing the meaningful participation of Musahar women in the local decision-making process and planning processes. The inauguration program was chaired by Ms. Geeta Bhattarai, Chair of SAP Nepal in participation of a total of 43 participants. The event was inaugurated by Ms. Banita Karki, Head of Shree Shanti Mahila Seva Kendra, Malangwa who was also the major trainer of the TOT event.
The training was provided at Lalbandi of Sarlahi to 30 Musahar women of Haripur, Barhathwa, Basbariya, and Chandranagar municipalities of the Sarlahi district. Expectations from the training were collected along with the conduction of the pre-test in the opening session. The major sessions of the TOT training included: GESI and women empowerment, social mobilization, good governance, social accountability tools, status, and transformation of social values and norms. In all the sessions these participants exhibited enthusiasm for learning and actively participated in the entire event. They expressed their interest to fight for their rights.
Speaking at the closing session, Ritu Raj Rishi, President of the National Musahar Association, said that Musahar and other Dalit communities of Terai could not develop due to lack of education and awareness, and sustainable source of income and that services of government has not reached the needy Musahar communities. He asserted that in this context, Musahar women empowerment project would help the community to collectively advocate for their rights. Similarly, Chandeshwar Sada, Chairman of National Musahar Association, asserted that along with the issues of landlessness, discriminatory laws, non-implementation of existing laws and lack of clarity in policy directions are the major hindrance to Musahar community development and hence need to be addressed. Toward the completion of the event, the Chief guest of the event, Ram Pravesh Baitha (Vice Chair of Dalit Development Committee), said that he is positive that this project would contribute to the economic and social development of the Musahar community. In the closing session, the participants reflected on their learnings and exhibited enhanced knowledge on the contents covered in the training, and a certificate to the participants on completion of the training was handed over by Geeta Bhattarai, Chairperson of SAP-Nepal.