Events – SAPNepal South Asia Partnership Nepal Mon, 27 Nov 2023 11:52:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Events – SAPNepal 32 32 District Level Campaign conducted by Municipal network of WoMEF on the occasion of 74th International Human Rights Day (10 Dec 2022) Thu, 06 Apr 2023 13:11:14 +0000 Read More...]]> District level mass awareness campaign was held on leadership of 4 Municipal network of Musahar women empowerment forums formed in four target municipalities of Sarlahi district under UNDEF funded project. District level campaign was conducted on the occasion of the 74th International Human Rights Day on 10 December 2022 at Malangwa of Haripur.  Each of these municipal networks comprises of 11 members representing more than 1600 WoMEF members of 32 WoMEF groups formed. SAP Nepal has been supporting continuously for leadership and capacity development of these network.

These municipal networks have conducted mass rally at local, municipal, and district level. The interaction titled “human right situation challenges and solutions of the indigenous and marginalized communities” was held on the occasion. The event was chaired by Laxmi Paswan, Chair of Municipal Network of Musahar women Empowerment Forums of Haripur. The event was conducted in presence of 140 participants including the ward and municipal government representatives, local CSOs representatives and media. On the occasion the WoMEF members expressed to the distinguished guest about the real human rights challenges faced by the Mushar women in day-to-day life. Speaking at the event, the government representatives committed to provide support to the Mushar men and women to attain their human rights along with solving their issues.

Municipal level social campaign led by Municipal Network of WoMEF (4 Dec 2022) Thu, 06 Apr 2023 13:02:14 +0000 Read More...]]> Municipal level mass awareness campaign was conducted by Municipal Musahar Empowerment Committee on the occasion of 16-day activism against gender-based violence on 4 December 2022 at the building of the Red Cross Society in Haripur. The event was conducted by WoMEF network with support of SAP Nepal and UNDEF and collaboration with Haripur Municipality and National Musahar Association. The event was participated by 105 Mushar men and women along with the local CSOs, local government and political party representatives, social leaders and journalists. The event was conducted at chairmanship Gopal Panjiyar (Mayor of Haripur) and in presence of Thaneshwor Gautam (Chief District Officer) as the chief guest of the event.

In the program, Santara Paswan, Secretary of Musahar Women’s Empowerment Forum, said that there is caste discrimination against Musahar girls even in schools and Dalits have to be deprived of education because they have to pay money to study in government schools. Urmila Majhi, president of Musahar Women’s Empowerment Forum, Chitain, said that the state has discriminated Musahar community. In the event, the participants informed the guests about their issues of vital registration, caste-based discrimination and extreme poverty. The government representatives in the program committed to solve the issues of Musahar community in the days to come. The participants complained to the chief guests about their community’s birth registration, citizenship, untouchability, discrimination against children in schools, poverty, etc.

Chief Inspector Sangita Pandel of Women’s Cell of Malangwa District Police Office said that women should raise their voices against all kinds of violence against women, and informed that if there is violence, one should call the 104 number which is free of charge. The chief guest of the program, Chief District Officer Thaneshwar Gautam, said that children of the Musahar community should not be discriminated and that action should be taken against who discriminates. He also said that a circular has been issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs to prepare the birth registration of Musahar children so that no child is deprived of vital registration services.

WoMEF led campaign on the occasion of “16 Days of activism against GVB” 2022 Thu, 06 Apr 2023 12:40:24 +0000 Read More...]]> Violence against women and girls remains the most widespread and pervasive human rights violation worldwide affecting more than an estimate 1 in 5 women according to most recent global estimates. Despite of these worrying trends, the presence of a strong and autonomous feminist movement is the most critical factor to drive policy level changes. For this reason, the 32 WOMEF formed under the UNDEF funded projects in 4 municipalities of Sarlahi District of Nepal conducted 4 mass campaign as mass feminist movement at local level with the support of UNDEF, SAP Nepal and Nepal Musahar Association Sarlahi. The program was led by the WoMEF groups in coordination with respective municipalities.

In Basbariya, the campaign was conducted on 5 December 2022 under the chairmanship of Sita Devi Majhi (Chair, Municipal level network of WoMEF groups of Basbariya) and in presence of Municipal head, Ram Sihasan Ray. The slogan of the rally was “Identification of civil society through campaign against gender discrimination. The awareness rally was actively participated by 110 Musahar men and women including media person, local police, school principal, students, ward chairs. During the rally, students including Musahar women were holding placards with statements- “stop violence against women, stop child marriage, stop drinking alcohol, stop discrimination against untouchables.” Speaking in the event, the municipal head expressed that he has been impressed by the initiative of WoMEF and stated that municipality would hold similar programs in the days to come. Similar event was conducted at local level in Barathawa, Chandranagar and Asanwa of Haripur Municipality on 2 December, 8 December and 29 November respectively with active participation of 110, 250 and 49 Musahar men and women respectively.


WoMEF led Campaign on the occasion of “International Day of Rural Women” (Aug-Oct 2022) Thu, 06 Apr 2023 12:21:12 +0000 Read More...]]> Four mass campaigns were conducted in initiation and leadership of WOMEF with support of SAP Nepal and UNDEF, and in collaboration of local police and municipalities for raising awareness on “GBV, Child marriage and polygamy”.On the occasion of International Rural Women’s Day 2022, four municipal level mass campaigns were conducted in  Chandranagar, Basbariya, Barathawa and Haripur Municipalities on 24 August, 25 August, 11 November and 15 October 2022 respectively. On this occasion mass rally was conducted in all four municipalities on different dates under the theme “Rural women, key for a world free from hunger and poverty”. The theme focuses on equality and women’s empowerment and wants women to fight against the problems of hunger and malnutrition. Total of 345 people participated in the rally to raise community awareness.

Speaking at the event, Param Devi Majhi said that sons and daughters should be equally treated and should have equal access in every sector. Rural women should be encouraged to come forward and should be organized to move forward in unity for their development. Sumitra Devi (Ward representative) committed in the program to help Musahar women who are facing various issues of gender discrimination, domestic violence, citizenship problems, and the ones who are deprived of the state facilities and services. According to SAP Nepal’s Project Coordinator, Janak Karki, the development of rural areas can only happen if women play an equal role. To solve the problems of rural women, all women should unite and conduct a campaign, he added. Both men and women should work together for income generation for solving problems of rural women. Also, a man should appreciate work down by the women even within the household that are unpaid.

National Election Observation at Baitadi by SAP Nepal (20 Nov 2022) Thu, 06 Apr 2023 11:56:42 +0000 Read More...]]> South Asia Partnership Nepal (SAP-Nepal) is member of National Election Observation Committee (NEOC) and has been engaged as National election observer since 2046 B.S including the first Constituent Assembly Election on 2065 B.S. till date. Similarly, SAP Nepal team monitored both local and provincial/national level election this year held on 13 May 2022 and 20 November 2022 respectively. In the provincial/national election this year, the team monitored election at Patan of Baitadi District of Nepal as national election observer. SAP Nepal team monitored 5 wards (4,6,8,9 and 10) namely Thad,Patan valley, Khodpe, Kaksyapali and Hatasha respectively of Patan Municipality of Baitadi district. According to the observation of the team, the election at Baitadi was held peacefully following election codes of conduct. 58% votes were casted in each wards monitored.

Such election monitoring also provided opportunity for SAP Nepal to directly observe the real situation of voter’s rights of marginalized and specially women in the remote areas of Nepal. The sharing of such real experience to concerned stakeholders would further provide support to address the challenges that are hindering active participation of marginalized women in voting process as well as in political empowerment. Since, SAP Nepal has been working continuously for women empowerment of especially marginalized communities, the infield experience collection of women voters sheds lights on the interventions required for political empowerment of women of Nepal.

Localization of SDG: Opportunities and Challenges (7 Nov 2022) Thu, 06 Apr 2023 09:04:29 +0000 Read More...]]> As a part of the Provincial program of SAP Nepal, an interactive program on Localization of Sustainable Development Goals: Progress and Challenges organized by the Non-Governmental Organization Federation of Nepal (NFN) Chitwan with financial support from South Asia Partnership Nepal (SAP Nepal) was held at the Dialo family hall at Narayangad, Chitwan. The event was chaired by Parvati Ghimire Duwadi (Chair, NFN), and conducted in presence of Narayan Adhikari (Head of District Coordination Committee, Chitwan) as a chief guest; and Sashi Khania (Mayor, Khaireni), Tara Kumari (Mayor, Tadi), Kaji Mahato (Ward President, Bharatpur), central and district members, and advisors of NFN, representatives of Federation of Nepal Journalist as guests. The event was facilitated by Mr. Janak Karki (Program Coordinator of SAP Nepal) as well as Treasurer of NGO Federation Chitwan.

Dr. Shiva Prasad Rijal (Subject expert) presented a paper on “The goals, progress, and challenges of sustainable development and its localization” at the event”. He informed that Nepal SDG Forum established has been coordinating with the government, private sector, and CSOs responsibly and systematically for sustainable development. Janak Karki, Treasurer of NGO Federation Chitwan and representative of SAP Nepal, explained the purpose of the program and stated that cooperation of state, private sector and CSOs is necessary for achieving SDG goals. Speaking at the event, The Mayor of Madi Municipality, Tara Kumari Kaji Mahato, said that lack of coordination among the local, provincial and central government have become a challenge to attainment of sustainable development goals. Similarly, Mayor or Khairani Municipality, Sashi Khanal stated that limited budget is allocated to complete large number of programs at local level and hence goals of all sectors are unmet due to which goals of sustainable development has not been attained. The chief guest of the program, Narayan Adhikari, stated that since localization of the goal of sustainable development in Nepal is not progressing at the speed that it should be, such program has been organized to attract the attention of the stakeholders and make them accountable by organizing the program.

Attention letter submission to national inclusion commission to include Musahar in the backward caste list of Terai (2 Nov 2022) Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:23:52 +0000 Read More...]]> SAP Nepal took the initiative to draw the attention of the National Inclusion Commission regarding the issue of not including “Musahar” in the caste list of the Marginalized Dalit community of Terai by submitting of attention letter to an honorable member of the National Inclusive Commission of Nepal situated in Lalitpur of Kathmandu on 2 November 2022. For the purpose, Mr. Janak Karki (Project Coordinator) of SAP Nepal prepared the attention letter to enlist Musahars in the list of the backward communities and caste of Terai prepared based on the Nepal constitution and national Inclusion Commission Act 2074. The team of SAP Nepal submitted the attention letter to Honorable member of National Inclusion Commission Respected Pushparaj Timilsina and Honorable member Respected Bishnumaya Ojha with the suggestion to include Musahar and other backward castes of Madesh Province in the list. The honorable members positively responded to the initiation of SAP Nepal and committed implement the suggestion and include Musahar in the backward community list in the future publications of National Inclusion Committee. It is anticipated that such inclusion in the list will further benefit the community from the programs of local government targeted towards the backward communities contributing to their overall development.

REFLECT sessions on Social Accountability tools (Introduction to Citizen report card and citizen charter) to WoMEFs (Mar –April 2022) Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:12:08 +0000 Read More...]]> Under the “Strengthening gender-responsive governance in Nepal” implemented by SAP Nepal with the financial support from UNDEF, to meet one of the objectives of “Enhanced capacity and networking of marginalized Musahar women to increase their participation in local governance process and planning.”, REFLECT session has been designed for creating platform for continuous engagement of the Musahar women in learning and leadership development process. In the first round of the reflect session, training on local government planning process was provided to 1525 members of 32 WoMEF groups of four municipalities (Haripur, Barathawa, Chandranagar and Basbariya) of Sarlahi.

In all 32 WoMEF groups, field supervisors facilitated reflect session on social accountability tools on different dates from March to April 2022. In the sessions, the facilitator provided introduction to the social accountability tools such as citizen report card, citizen’s charter and other commonly used tools along with highlighting the importance of using such tools. Since, these tools are highly technical, Musahar where majority of them are illiterate practice of such tools in the groups was not possible therefore tools basics were only introduced. The basic information about the commonly used social accountability tools was provided to 1523 Musahar women of 32 WoMEF groups.

Municipal level network formation of Musahar women in Sarlahi (Oct 2022) Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:01:21 +0000 Read More...]]> 4 Municipal level Musahar Women’s Empowerment Network Committee has been formed in target four municipalities (Haripur, Barathawa, Chandranagar and Basbariya) of Sarlahi under “Strengthening gender-responsive local governance in Nepal” implemented by SAP Nepal with financial support of UNDEF in different dates of September and October 2022. Each of these 4 networks has 11 members. The major purpose of the formation of the municipal network is to strengthen the voice of the Musahar women and conduct municipal level interaction and social campaigns along with further developing leadership capacity.

During the establishment of the Municipal level committee, Musahar women with leadership qualities among 32 WoMEF groups with more than 1500 members were selected for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Joint Secretary and members for each of the 4 committee. Laxmi Paswan of Haripur, Shivakali Devi Majhi of Chandranagar, Sarita Majhi of Barathawa, and Sita Majhi of Basbariya was nominated as Chair of the respective Municipalities. In the coming days, it is anticipated that these committees will be the representative of the voice of other Musahar women to pressurize the service providers and elected representatives for the upliftment and development of the Musahar community. In addition, these committee will also lobby for the dalit rights to citizenship and vital registration to concerned stakeholders along with conducting mass awareness campaigns raising issues of the backward communities.

Refresher Training of Trainers for 32 Musahar women mobile trainers (8 Aug 2022) Wed, 05 Apr 2023 08:49:29 +0000 Read More...]]> Two-day Refresher Training of Trainers (TOT) was provided to 32 Musahar women mobile trainers on 8 and 9 August 2022 at Lalbandi, Sarlahi. The training capacitated 32 mobile trainers previously trained through TOT. Total of 42 participants attended opening session including local government representatives, CSOs and media. The training was conducted with main objective of conducting performance evaluation of the trained mobile trainers on the basis of their contribution in facilitating session of village level budget demystifying training, strengthening WoMEF, and positive transformation of the social norms at household level along with developing plans for their effective future engagement in project activities.  The specific objectives of the training were:

In the opening session, Mr. Janak karki (Project Coordinator, SAP Nepal) along with welcoming the participants highlighted on the project and the training objective. The core sessions included sessions on: social mobilization and highlighting on the achievements of the WoMEF so far. Some of the major achievements received by WoMEF after submission of plan and budget to local government were: 6 Families of Haripur Municipality has leased 10 Kathha land for paddy farming, WoMEF of Haripur received 4 lakh for construction of community building and received 40,000 for group vegetable farming. The participant’s attitude towards the training was positive and it is anticipated that this training would encourage 32 mobile trainers to engage more in community mobilization to pave their path to be a successful community leaders in the days to come.
