Community Peace Building Program Through Women Group Empowerment

Program location:  21 VDCs of Banke, Bardiya and Surkhet districts

Implementing partners:   Tharu Women Upliftment Center, Bardia and Social Awareness Center Nepal, Surkhet

Program Duration  :  1 January 2010 to 31 June 2013

 Goal:  To establish peaceful and harmonious society in 21 action villages of Program Districts – Banke, Bardiya, Surkhet

Major Actions:

  • Women Group Formation and Institutionalization
  • Peace Education
  • Livestock Based Income Generation Program
  • Piloting of Conflict Reconciliation

Major Quantitative results


Total number of  beneficiaries : 164,396 (Female 126452 i.e. 77% and Male 37944 i.e. 23%)

Secondary beneficiaries double of the direct beneficiaries i.e. 328,892.

Few major qualitative results :

Livestock Distribution:

Improved family income sources from livestock raising

Used animal waste as farm yard manure for vegetable cultivation

Enhanced participation of women in program activities due to tangible economic benefit from livestock program

Increased visibility of the program

Key results of the interventions are:

Increased practices of consuming fresh vegetables produced in the farm of women groups members and maintained balanced diet to improve the health of family member

Increased source of income to women group members of program areas by sailing vegetable in nearby markets

Fodder Supplies

Started practice of planting fodder in community forestry by women group members of Bake

Increased awareness and knowledge among beneficiary women on fodder management for proper livestock management

Increased quantity of fodder production in the farm land of women group members to feed their livestock

Peace Building Seminar workshop, Campaign and Interaction :

 Some of the major results of the interventions are:

Sensitized community people on negative aspects of conflict in the community

Updated and forwarded the list of conflict victims with recommendation to provide relief package to Local Peace Committee of Government

Made commitment by VLPCs of program VDCs to provide relief package  to conflict victims

Enhanced knowledge transformation about peace education to parents through their school going children

Increased collaborative efforts to conduct peace building events through school and youth clubs

Some Effects/Impact level results

Initiated collective farming by some group members thereby promoting social harmony

Initiated collective peace building campaigns by women group members in collaboration with other local organizations

Increased access of group members to resources and services of local government and non-governmental organizations

Increased group fund through collective daily wage work in plantation and harvest season

Increased level of income of women group members through livestock based income generation activities

Increased cooperation and support of government line-agencies to the women groups, Program Management Committee and Village Level Peace Committee

Increased participation of women, dalit and other disadvantaged communities in the program activities

Increased practice of participatory decision making process in groups contributing to increased confidence of marginalized sections

Resource Provider: European Union